Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Entry 6, Reflection

Challenge 1:
Hypothesis: There wasn't much to hypothesize just with the challenge being that it was to create a culture of the Physarum. I did, however, assume that it would grow fast and by the time two days had past that the entire petri dish would be filled.
End result: The hypothesis wasn't supported because the culture was small after the two days and hadn't reached most of the oat flakes.
Reflection: Over the course of this challenge and its results, I realized that this can be applied to life in the sense that, if left in the most idea setting and with the ideal surroundings, life can flourish to its highest potential. This challenge wasn't really much of challenge and was really just a stepping stone into the other challenges and getting started on experimenting.

Challenge 2:
Hypothesis: With the control and 3 newly added substances, I was under the impression that the Physarum would reach the control first, being studied by scientists as the "favorite food" of the Physarum. After the control, however, I hypothesized that the Physarum would then reach the:  honey second, lemon juice third, and then finally go for the salted oat flake.
End result: It was indeterminable as to whether the hypothesis was supported or not due to the circumstances that occurred during this challenge. With the appearance of black mold, the experiment had to be ceased.
Reflection: It was difficult to pull any analysis from this experiment due to the failure that happened. Understanding that the Physarum has preferences, however, just goes to show that life can be altered based upon the external stimuli. In nearly all instances of life, the living organism will seek the ideal. We can alter life by giving choices and making decisions based upon the choices presented to us.

Challenge 3:
Hypothesis: With the labyrinth, I assumed that the Physarum would reach its destination without trouble and maneuver in an efficient way through the maze.
End result: The hypothesis in this situation was, more or less, supported. It became obvious that efficiency was the Physarum's goal due to the fact that it went underneath the maze and found the fastest way to the nutrients it was seeking.
Reflection: The Physarum represented that we as a people will jump through hoops, fight obstacles for the right goal. In terms of body modification, sometimes the goal is to be or simply to feel more beautiful/handsome/attractive. We may fight through our own "labyrinth" do get this body modification that we desire.

Challenge 4:
Hypothesis: This experience had be believing that the Physarum would simply extend veins in every direction, weaving through the "buildings", latching onto the food from several different directions.
End result: The thin, spindly veins showed that not much energy was exerted from the physarum in an attempt to remain efficient. The Physarum truly found the most efficient and direct path through the buildings showing that my hypothesis was not supported.
Reflection: Relating to body modification, this challenge related to the same idea that the third challenge presented. Even with obstacles in our path, the right goal can give us the ability to get through them.

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